Braces Treatment in Baltimore, Pikesville, & Parkville, MD

At Markovitz Orthodontics, we are passionate about helping people achieve the healthy, confident smiles of their dreams. Whether you are interested in traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, or Invisalign clear aligners, our team will help devise a braces treatment plan tailored to your unique orthodontic issues and smile goals.

We’ve provided the best comprehensive orthodontic care to the Baltimore, Pikesville, and Parkville communities for over 30 years! Schedule your appointment today and experience the Markovitz Orthodontics difference.

What Are Braces and How Do They Work?

Braces are dental devices that address various teeth misalignment and bite issues. They have several components, including brackets, bands, archwires, and ligatures. Brackets are attached to individual teeth, while bands encircle the molars. The archwire connects the brackets and applies a constant but gentle force on the teeth. Ligatures, typically elastic bands or wires, secure the archwire to the brackets. The archwire applies pressure on the teeth, and the surrounding bone gradually reshapes to accommodate your new smile alignment.

Our team adjusts the braces periodically, tightening the archwire or replacing it with a thicker wire to continue the corrective process. The duration of treatment varies based on the severity of the alignment issues but typically lasts between 6 months and 3 years. Following removal of the braces, patients often wear retainers to ensure their teeth remain aligned.

Types of Braces Available at Markovitz Orthodontics

At Markovitz Orthodontics, we offer a braces treatment to fit every need and lifestyle. While many people associate braces with kids and teens, more adults than ever are taking control of their dental health and pursuing the smile of their dreams with braces.

Our braces treatment options include: 

Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional metal braces are what most people imagine when they think, “braces.” Metal braces use stainless steel bands, brackets, and wires to gently shift your teeth over time. The orthodontist will glue a bracket on each tooth, then place a thin, flexible archwire over the brackets. Tiny elastic bands called ligatures keep the wire firmly in place.

3M Unitek Clear (Ceramic) Braces

Ceramic, or clear, braces work just like metal braces. The key difference is that the brackets, wires and ligatures are tooth-colored, so they blend in with your smile. Ceramic braces are still visible, but they’re less noticeable. Ceramic braces are more fragile than traditional metal braces and require a little extra attention when eating and cleaning to avoid breakage.

Braces Alternatives

Invisalign clear aligners are a series of removable, comfortable acrylic trays that straighten your teeth like braces. Not only are the aligners practically invisible, they are removable, so you can eat and drink what you want while in treatment. Plus, brushing and flossing are less of a hassle. You wear each set of aligner trays for one week and then swap those trays out for the next set in the series.

We offer a variety of Invisalign treatments, including Invisalign First, Invisalign Teen, Invisalign Express, and more, for fast and convenient smile transformations. From kids to adults, we provide the highest quality care for clear aligners in Baltimore, Pikeville, and Parkville!

Start Your Braces Treatment Today!

At Markovitz Orthodontics, we understand that choosing to receive orthodontic treatment is a major decision. We are here to answer any questions you may have, so that you can feel good about your decision. We will work with you to devise a personalized treatment plan and help you achieve the healthy, brilliant smile of your dreams. Request your free consultation today!

Frequently Asked Questions About Braces

Dental braces offer a range of important benefits. First and foremost, they help straighten crooked teeth, which not only improves the appearance of your smile but also makes it easier to clean your teeth, reducing the risk of dental problems like cavities and gum disease. Braces are also great for fixing bite issues, such as overbites or underbites, which can lead to better oral function and prevent future problems. Plus, having a straighter smile often boosts self-confidence and can improve speech clarity for those with speech issues related to misaligned teeth.

Yes! Your dentist will continue to monitor your overall oral health and oversee cleanings during your braces treatment. It is important to keep all scheduled appointments with your orthodontist and dentist during your treatment.

To floss with braces, use a floss threader or special orthodontic floss to thread the floss behind each wire. Wrap the ends of the floss around your pointer fingers of both hands, leaving a few inches of taught floss between them. Gently slide the floss between each set of teeth using a back and forth motion. Floss the sides of each tooth beneath the gum line to remove plaque and food particles. Repeat this process until you’ve flossed all of your teeth.

Brushing your teeth with braces may take a little extra effort, but it’s crucial for maintaining excellent oral health. Brush your teeth for two minutes after every meal with a soft-bristled, small-headed toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Brush the outside and inside surfaces of your teeth using small, gentle, circular motions while positioning the head of the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gum line. Brush your teeth’s chewing surfaces and the inside surface of your front teeth using short, gentle, back-and-forth motions. An electric toothbrush can make this process even easier.

Contact us immediately if a wire or bracket comes loose. If a metal component is causing discomfort, you can cover it with orthodontic wax until it can be repaired. Orthodontic wax can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Tap water and milk are your best choices for drinks during braces treatment. Beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine can stain teeth. Try to avoid these, or consume them sparingly. Avoid regular and diet soft drinks when wearing braces. This includes soda pop, sports drinks/energy drinks, flavored bubbly waters, and fruit drinks. These drinks contain acids and/or sugars that dissolve tooth enamel and can lead to cavities. Be sure to brush right away after drinking anything other than water. If brushing is not possible, rinse thoroughly with water

It’s important to be mindful of the foods you eat to prevent damage to your braces and to maintain good oral hygiene. Here are some foods to avoid, or consume with caution, while wearing braces:

  • Hard and Crunchy Foods: These can damage the brackets and wires. Avoid foods like hard candies, popcorn, nuts, and ice.
  • Sticky and Chewy Foods: These can get stuck in your braces, making it difficult to clean your teeth properly. Examples include caramel, taffy, chewing gum, and gummy candies or supplements.
  • Foods that Require Biting with Front Teeth: Be cautious with foods that you have to bite into with your front teeth, like apples and corn on the cob. It’s best to cut them into smaller, more manageable pieces.
  • Foods with Small Seeds: Foods with small seeds, like strawberries and sesame seeds, can get lodged in your braces and are challenging to remove.
  • Hard and Tough Meats: If you eat meat, try to choose tender cuts and avoid foods that require excessive force to chew.
  • Crusty Bread and Pizza Crusts: These can be hard to bite into without damaging your braces. Softening them by tearing them into smaller pieces or dipping them in sauce can help.

A healthy diet supports the body as it undergoes the biological changes that occur during braces treatment. It’s good to enjoy a variety of healthful, easy-to-chew foods during your treatment. Foods that are soft and easy to chew, like soups, stews, casseroles, pasta, scrambled eggs, and smoothies, are great choices. You can enjoy fresh fruits like apples and pears, but they should be sliced rather than bitten into. Similarly, sandwiches and pizza are OK, but they should be cut into bite-sized pieces. If you enjoy eating corn, cut the corn off the cob before eating.

It’s normal to feel some discomfort when braces are placed, or for a short time after your braces are adjusted. Overall, this discomfort is short-lived and easily managed. Any discomfort can be relieved by rinsing with warm salt water (1 tsp. salt to 8 oz. of warm water), or by taking an over-the-counter pain reliever. Cold soft foods such as ice cream and pudding are helpful as well. Just be sure to brush well after consuming them!

It usually takes 1-2 hours for your braces to be placed.

During your placement appointment, your teeth are cleaned and dried thoroughly. A cheek retractor may be used to keep the teeth dry and accessible. Our orthodontic team applies a strong bonding agent to the teeth so the brackets (small metal or ceramic squares) can stay securely attached to each tooth.. A wire is threaded through the brackets, and ligatures (tiny rubber bands or metal wires) are used to secure the wire in place.

For Invisalign clear aligners, a series of aligner trays are custom-made for the patient. These trays are worn over the teeth and gradually shift them into the desired positions.

Before your braces are placed, you should visit your dentist for a thorough checkup and cleaning. Also, let your orthodontist know if you usually take an antibiotic before going to the dentist or have any metal allergies, especially to nickel.

Braces correct a variety of orthodontic issues, such as crooked teeth, overcrowding, gaps between teeth, overbites (when upper teeth overlap lower ones), underbites (when lower teeth jut forward), open bites (where the upper and lower teeth don’t meet), and misalignments.

Once your braces are placed, you’ll return to our office every 4-8 weeks for adjustments to brackets and wires in order to keep your tooth alignment on track. Depending upon your unique orthodontic needs, braces treatment can last anywhere from 6 months to 3 years.

When the orthodontist determines that the treatment goals have been achieved, the braces are removed. You most likely will need to wear a retainer to maintain the corrected alignment of your teeth. Retainers help prevent relapse, which is the tendency of teeth to return to their original positions.

There’s never a bad time to get braces, but when possible, braces treatment can be most effective between the ages of 9 and 14. At this point, the jaw and facial bones are more malleable because they’re still developing. Adult braces are just as effective, but it might take a little longer to achieve the desired results.

The average amount of time for braces treatment is between 1 and 3 years. You may need them for a shorter or longer amount of time depending on your unique circumstances.

In general, most insurance plans that provide dental coverage will cover a portion of braces, since braces are considered a medically necessary treatment that will improve a patient’s oral and overall health. However, some plans come with certain restrictions for braces, such as a lifetime cap on treatment. Our finance team can help review your insurance coverage.

Absolutely. Even if you currently have a crown or bridge, you can enjoy the many benefits of correct teeth alignment and a brilliant smile. The orthodontist may recommend traditional or removable braces to correct the alignment of your teeth.

It may take a few days to get used to speaking with your braces or aligners, but as your mouth adjusts, you will be able to speak normally again.

Smoking with braces runs the risk of severely staining teeth and causing a host of other oral health problems and is not recommended.

Gum is permitted if it is on the ADA (American Dental Association) approved list of sugar-free gums. These gums are sweetened by non-cavity causing sweeteners such as aspartame, sorbitol, or mannitol.

In most cases, a retainer will need to be worn after treatment. A retainer prevents teeth from gradually shifting back to their original positions.